

Abacus is a simple tool or hardware used to perform rapid mental Arithmetic calculations. It consists of rectangular frame with vertically arranged rods, on which beads slides up and down. Children do fast calculations in mind by visualizing abacus bead movements.

Research proves that Abacus learners uses both sides of the brain- left hemisphere & right hemisphere. Mind Calculation enhances the concentration level of child. Even large numbers can be calculated in mind, that too within seconds. Mental Arithmetic improves

A. Junior Abacus Classes – Beginning levels for 4-5yrs old.
B. Beginning to Advanced classes – Level 1- 8

Why to Learn Abacus / Mental Mathematics ??

1. Photographic Memory

Enhanced which improves the concentration, listening and focus skills

2. Increase the speed of Arithmetic Calculation

Improves the speed of calculation and helps student to solve big calculations easily

3. Visualization skills

The Visualization skills are enhanced which promotes creativity and helps quick mental calculations. It improves the Imagination skills

4. Makes students Most CONFIDENT

Mathematics becomes easy and makes the students more confident

5. Sharpens the Memory

Speed Math is a great skill to improve memory and build the resilience among students

6. Triggers Interest and Students will Love Mathematics

The love for mathematics is created and built to create a strong basic foundation for the students

7. Very Useful in Competitive exams

The exams will be easy to complete as it is a race against time. Abacus will be the greatest advantage to excel in competitive exams

Why learn with Kidzbrains?

1. Best Certified Teachers

Expert teachers who will simplify the explanation for the students understanding and systematically deliver according to the students level

2. Flexibility in timings

Completely flexible timings, Our tutors are available across all time zones and we can accommodate to your schedule of requirement

3. Small Group or 1:1 classes available

Small group classes of 3-4 students or 1:1 attention classes are customizable

4. Learning Platform with Study Material

Study material, Assignments, periodic reviews are well monitored in a Learning Platform with user logins to access the content and study anywhere

5. Customizable Content

Each student is unique with talents and capability. Our courses for each levels are well customized based on the strengths and weakness of the student and well focused on the weak sections and building the student Strong in Mathematics overall

6. Small Mental Exercises to improve the Mental Calculation

Speed Mathematics builds the mental calculation speed with many small exercises, fun games and more interactive sessions to improve the precision

Course Details

Class Days
1 or 2/ Weekly
1 hrs./session
Class Type